In one of my last blogs, I went over my top 3 exercises for dealing with back pain in a home office setting. But if we take a step back for a second, what you’ll find is that we can and should be trying to stop back pain before it even starts to creep up. As we have all been working more from home, my patients have been finding that they are actually more sedentary than when they were in their normal offices. Much of this can be attributed to more “alone time” at a desk at home with less interaction with fellow co-workers, in addition to smaller work spaces with easier and closer access to amenities such as bathrooms, kitchens, etc. All of this leads to less overall movement during a workday.
So what can be done to help? From my last post, you know that finding a way to exercise is definitely a way to prevent back pain. There are two more simple, yet extremely effective ways to prevent back pain when you’re at your home office setting. Luckily, I previously made a video where I detailed what you should be looking out for to prevent back pain in an office setting. Originally, this was in reference to a workplace building setting. However, in today’s unprecedented times, we could all use a little reminder that we should always be looking to take care of our physical health at work, whether it’s in our regular setting or in a home office setting.
With these 3 simple preventative tips, I’m confident that you can prevent any back pain problems before they even start! But fear not, if back pain has already arrived, don’t forget about my top 3 back pain relief exercises for the office.
If you find that you need a little more than my tips, this can be a sign of a larger problem. For even more in depth pain relief, make an appointment today with me in the Elizabeth or Jersey City clinics.
Take care and best of health to all!

Dr. James Pumarada is a licensed Physical Therapist and co-owner of Complete Physical Rehabilitation. With over 19+ years of treatment experience, he is a Sports Therapy Certified physical therapist, focusing on treating and training runners of all levels, and is one of the most sought after vestibular therapy specialists in Elizabeth and Jersey City where, along with his wife, Dr. Asha, they specialize in the treatment of all dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance issues.