Complete Physical Rehabilitation

Vestibular Therapy: Restoring Balance and Quality of Life

Are you constantly feeling off-balance or experiencing bouts of dizziness that disrupt your daily life? If so, you may benefit from vestibular therapy, a specialized treatment designed to restore balance and improve quality of life.

Meet Emily, a vibrant individual whose world was turned upside down by chronic dizziness. Once an avid hiker and social butterfly, Emily found herself confined to her home, afraid to venture out due to fear of falling and the overall discomfort that the dizzy spells caused her. That’s when Emily’s friend recommended she see our team at Complete Physical Rehabilitation and see if working with our team could help resolve her chronic dizziness.

Our vestibular therapy program offers personalized and effective techniques aimed at addressing symptoms of vestibular disorders and helping restore your confidence on your feet. Ready to get started with vestibular therapy for balance and dizziness issues? Call our team today to learn more!

Defining Balance and Dizziness: Understanding the Causes

Balance and dizziness are closely intertwined, often stemming from issues within the vestibular system, which includes the inner ear and brain.

Symptoms of a Vestibular Disorder

  • Vertigo is a sensation of spinning or whirling
  • Imbalance or unsteadiness
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Nausea or vomiting

Emily’s experience with chronic dizziness highlights the debilitating effects of vestibular disorders. Once an active individual who enjoyed hiking and socializing, Emily found herself confined to her home, fearing even the simplest movements. Like Emily, many individuals with vestibular disorders struggle to perform daily activities and maintain their independence.

Common Causes of Balance and Dizziness Issues

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

  • BPPV happens when small particles in our inner ear get out of place. When we move our heads, these particles can make us feel like we’re spinning or moving even when we’re not.

Vestibular Neuritis or Labyrinthitis

  • These are conditions where our inner ear or the nerve connected to it gets inflamed. This inflammation can mess up the messages going from our inner ear to our brain, making us feel dizzy or like things are spinning. Sometimes, it can also affect our hearing.

Meniere’s Disease

  • Meniere’s disease is when our inner ear isn’t working right. It can cause spouts of dizziness, ringing in our ears, and changes in hearing. The medical community is not entirely sure why it happens, but it is thought to have to do with fluid buildup in the inner ear.

Concussions or Head Injuries

  • If we get a bump on the head, it can hurt the inner ear or mess up the messages going to our brain. This can make us feel dizzy or unsteady, even after the bump is gone. Sometimes, it can take a while for these feelings to go away.

Aging-Related Changes in the Vestibular System

  • As we age, parts of our inner ear start to wear down, and the nerves that send messages to our brain can weaken. This change can make us feel off-balance or dizzy, especially when we move around. It can also make us more likely to lose our balance and fall.

Vestibular disorders affect millions of individuals each year, making it even more important to recognize the causes and symptoms so you can take a proactive approach to treatment if you suspect you may have a vestibular disorder.

How Vestibular Therapy Can Help You Find Balance and Relief

Vestibular therapy offers a comprehensive approach to addressing balance and dizziness issues. Your vestibular therapy journey, like Emily’s, will be personalized to your specific needs and goals to optimize your results and help you find lasting relief.

Vestibular Therapy Roadmap

Comprehensive Assessment

  • Like with Emily, each journey begins with a comprehensive assessment, where our team assesses your vestibular function and identifies the underlying cause of your symptoms. With Emily, we pinpointed the specific issues within her vestibular system contributing to her dizziness.

Individualized Treatment

  • Based on the assessment we develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals. Emily’s treatment plan included a combination of canalith repositioning maneuvers, gaze stabilization exercises to improve her visual stability, and balance training exercises to enhance her coordination.

Collaborative Approach

  • Just as we worked closely with Emily to tailor her treatment plan, we prioritize collaborating with all our patients. We ensure that your treatment plan aligns with your preferences and goals, providing support every step of the way.

Take Control of Your Balance: Explore Vestibular Therapy Today!

If you are experiencing the symptoms of a vestibular disorder, take the first step towards reclaiming your independence and quality of life by seeking vestibular therapy. Like Emily, who regained her confidence and zest for life through vestibular therapy, you can also overcome balance and dizziness issues.

Call our team at Complete Physical Rehabilitation to learn how vestibular therapy can help you and embark on your journey toward a balanced and vibrant future!