Complete Physical Rehabilitation

7 Ways To Be Healthier, Stronger, And More Active

healthier stronger and more active complete physical rehabilitation physical therapy jersey city elizabeth nj

It’s a common goal to want to become healthier, stronger, and more active. However, this can be a difficult feat, with lack of time, pain, injuries, or difficulty sticking to a nutritious diet.  And over the last 8 months, all of these things have been especially difficult to balance.  When you are in pain, undesirable … Read more

Improve Balance With One Easy Fix

improve balance with core strength physical therapy jersey city elizabeth nj complete physical rehabilitation

How Physical Therapy Can Help Did you know that strengthening your core muscles is linked to developing better balance? It’s true! When your core muscles are strong, they have a better chance of preventing you from experiencing chronic lower back pain and developing other injuries. They also prevent you from losing your balance or falling … Read more

Discover The Key To Sciatica Relief


Our bodies are composed of a complex network of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. Your sciatic nerve is the largest nerve you’ve got in your body. It extends from the lumbar spine through the buttocks area, and if there is unnecessary pressure applied to it, it can cause a world of problems for you. Sciatica, … Read more

3 Post-Thanksgiving Full Body Home Exercises

at home exercise tips complete physical rehabilitation physical therapy jersey city elizabeth nj 2

Even amidst the current COVID pandemic, the end of the Thanksgiving holiday still signals the beginning of a common holiday ritual: exercising after eating all that wonderful holiday food!  But due to current circumstances, and with restrictions increasing due to rising COVID-19 numbers, we must adapt while trying to get in that much needed workout.  … Read more

Top 2 Exercises For Shoulder Pain Relief

exercises for shoulder pain relief physical therapy jersey city elizabeth nj complete physical rehabilitation

Because we aren’t necessarily performing our normal daily routines at this time, it’s natural that the body responds with nagging pain and increased stiffness where there previously wasn’t any.  In the clinic, we’ve noticed a big increase in shoulder pain patients coming in with significantly increased pain and less mobility and range of motion.  Luckily, … Read more

3 Quick Full Body At-Home Exercise Tips

at home exercise tips complete physical rehabilitation physical therapy jersey city elizabeth nj

With home exercise becoming increasingly popular, as access to outside gyms and gym equipment has become limited, we know these uncertain times can make it difficult to find the motivation to get moving and exercise at home. Especially with gyms, workout classes, intramural leagues, and the like becoming closed or postponed for the foreseeable future, … Read more

How To Relieve Back & Neck Pain Quickly And Easily

How Physical Therapy Can Relieve

You don’t have to keep dealing with pain! Back and neck pain are extremely common conditions that many people struggle with over the course of their lives. According to the National Institute of Health, back pain is one of the most common reasons people see a doctor or miss days at work. Even school-age children … Read more