Complete Physical Rehabilitation

Welcome Our New Physical Therapist, Stefan Paul, DPT!

We are VERY excited and proud to welcome Dr. Stefan Paul back to Complete Physical Rehabilitation as the newest staff physical therapist in the Jersey City and Elizabeth physical therapy clinics.

Common Causes Of Neck Pain

Neck pain relief physical therapy Jersey City & Elizabeth, NJ

After back pain, neck pain comes in at a close second as one of the most treated issues in our physical therapy clinics in Jersey City and Elizabeth, NJ.  Neck pain can come different forms, including a constant ache or sharp pain with movement, which can stop you from enjoying your regular daily activities.  A common problem, neck pain affects approximately 2/3rds of the population at one point or another. 

Managing Parkinson’s With Physical Therapy

Managing Parkinson’s can seem like a daunting task.  Due its progressive nature, it is easy to have a very pessimistic attitude when dealing with the disease.  But NOT in our physical therapy clinic.  With the LSVT program, we make sure that patients know that they can continuing LIVING with the disease as long as they are willing to put in the work.  And it definitely IS possible to continue on, even with the disease. 

What you eat can make you hurt more…

How Your Diet Can Make Your Aches and Pains Worse Do you suffer from chronic aches and pains? If so, then you’re not alone. Often times, “mystery” aches and pains are actually caused by localized inflammation in the body, which can occur as a result of overuse or even injury. And while there are anti-inflammatory … Read more

How Long Before The Pain Goes Away?

So, you’ve done it.  You’ve taken the first step to getting rid of your back pain from sciatica by making an appointment for physical therapy and starting a course of treatment.  You’re now well on your way to getting back to a pain free life!  But you’re still left with a very natural question:  how long will it take before the pain goes away?

Hip And Shoulder Pain Solved With Physical Therapy

elizabeth nj physical therapy specialist asha koshy with pta diana raa and a happy patient

When our physical therapy patients finish their time with us, we always make sure to give each patient a home exercise program, including extensive tips on how to prevent their injury from occurring again.  Even so, we always make sure that every patient knows that if anything else were to happen, they are always encouraged to give us a call again, because we can always help.

What Is The Cause Of Sciatica?

When sciatica first hits, our physical therapy patients always start their 1st visit with the same question:
What Caused My Sciatica?
It can be very difficult to figure out how back pain started.  In general, there are many medical issues that can lead to back pain and significant sciatica issues.  That being said, there are 3 common causes of back pain.

So Much Success With Physical Therapy!

We usually try to highlight one patient a week, but with so many amazing results, there just doesn’t seem to be enough weeks!  We’d like to thank all of our physical therapy patients for taking the time out to give us a good word on social media and the internet, and for taking the time out to tell us how we’re doing! 

What Do I Need To Do For Sciatica?

Sciatica is one of the most common back ailments that we see in our Elizabeth and Jersey City physical therapy clinics today.  The symptoms, originating in the lower back, manifesting itself as pain, numbness, or tingling that travel down the sciatic nerve of each leg, can be both disheartening and difficult to handle, affecting numerous aspects of a person’s daily life.

Neck And Back Pain Relief With Physical Therapy

It can be hard enough to deal with pain in one body part, let along multiple body parts.  For Ada, who already deals with back pain issues stemming from a lifelong back condition, she knew that she needed to come in to physical therapy in the Jersey City clinic when she now started to have migraines due to neck pain as well.  As a former patient, she knew that Humberto and Dr. James could help her again.