Complete Physical Rehabilitation

6 Back Conditions Not To Ignore

A basic fact of life is that we all live extremely busy lives.  From work, to family, and everything in between, there is always something that needs to be done.  With that time crunch, our experience with our patients is that our health usually takes a back seat, because we always think, “I’ll deal with that tomorrow.”  But there are just some things that shouldn’t wait until tomorrow, especially when dealing with back pain.

No More Dizziness After Physical Therapy

Have you ever disregarded your dizziness symptoms, thinking that they’ll just go away on their own?  We have had so many patients make that mistake.  Dizziness and vertigo symptoms are two of the most overlooked conditions by both patients and medical professionals.  But no matter how long you’ve had your symptoms, you can ALWAYS get it fixed by coming in to us for vestibular physical therapy

Make your appointment now so that you can get rid of your dizziness problems too!

Early Physical Therapy For Low Back Pain Shows Better Outcomes, Lower Cost

Low back pain patients who underwent early physical therapy reportedly had better outcomes than those who did not. Early physical therapy was also more cost-effective, according to researchers.

In the study, published recently in the journal Spine, researchers studied the effect of early physical therapy on 220 patients with low back pain, with respect to both outcomes and costs.

Success With Sciatica And Physical Therapy!

Will physical therapy work for your back pain due to sciatica?  Our patient Maria would tell you that the answer is a definite YES!

After her stay with us for physical therapy, she can confidently say that her back pain is gone.  And now she’s starting to get back to enjoying the outdoors, right in time to start enjoying the wonderful spring weather.

How Often Should I Do My Exercises?

When a patient comes in for sciatica physical therapy in the Elizabeth or Jersey City clinics, we always give each patient a personalized home exercise program.  Numerous studies show that physical therapy in conjunction with a consistent home exercise program has the best results with getting rid of sciatica pain.  But many patients often have the same, burning questions:

How often should I do my exercises?  And do I need to do them forever?

Physical Therapy Success With Shoulder Pain

Pain can be a problem for every aspect of our lives, especially when it comes to working. For Tracy, after we had helped her previously with terrible knee pain, she knew that the only way to get rid of her current shoulder pain was to get back into the office for physical therapy again.

Thank You To Our ROCKSTAR Patients!

It goes without saying that we LOVE all of our ROCKSTAR physical therapy patients in Elizabeth and Jersey City.  We try as hard as possible to build a comfortable little community in our physical therapy clinics, where patients can not only feel great after seeing us, but also feel great when they’re in the clinic as well!

Amazing Physical Therapy Results For A Past Patient

When it comes to back pain, I always let my physical therapy patients know that treatment may be an ongoing thing.  We can always help you get back from injury, but once you get back out on your own, there is always a chance for re-injury, which means you may need to come back for physical therapy.

Now Accepting CareCredit For Physical Therapy

With healthcare costs continually rising, including increasing per visit payments and higher deductibles, it can be very stressful to figure out how to manage medical payments efficiently.  At Complete Physical Rehabilitation, we are committed to offering as many payment options as possible, which is why we are now happy to announce that we accept the CareCredit credit card. 

Avoiding Surgery Using Physical Therapy

When it comes to extreme pain, it can be very difficult to hear the word “surgery” from your doctor.  Although it is definitely an option, many people don’t realize that physical therapy can be a way to avoid having to go through surgery altogether.  The pain relief and movement benefits that physical therapy can provide gives patients a proven method of improving your quality of life so that you may not have to undergo surgery.