Complete Physical Rehabilitation

Back Pain And Snow Shoveling

With the latest nor’easter having finished ripping through our area, dropping 12 inches of snow, the time has come to start the dig out process.  But with that comes the potential for back pain due to improper snow shoveling techniques.

Living Without Neck Pain & Stress

Do headaches have you down on most days?  Do you find yourself reaching for the acetaminophen or ibuprofen to treat that nagging stress headache?  With so much stress out there in today’s world, there are so many that don’t realize that nagging headaches can be induced by an underlying neck pain condition that has gone untreated.

Neck Pain FREE With Physical Therapy

When neck pain sets in, it can disrupt every activity, every aspect of our everyday lives.  But with physical therapy, you can easily and quickly get rid of your pain and regain your regular movement so that you can get back to your life before you know it!

Flu Tips For The Physical Therapy Clinic

Yes, I know what you’re thinking.  “What does physical therapy have to do with the flu?”  Honestly, physical therapy doesn’t have anything to do with the flu directly.  However we’ve had a lot of people either come down with the flu or come into our clinics with flu-like symptoms.  And as a public facility that serves a large number of physical therapy patients in Elizabeth and Jersey City, in order to help everyone, we’re offering our best flu-prevention tips!

Genuine Care In Physical Therapy

When it comes to high performance athletics, we know that we’re always willing to go the extra mile for our patients.  From our AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill to personally doing research for each individual patient in order to find the right combination of physical therapy treatments, we’re always willing to do whatever it takes.  And it shows in the results of our physical therapy patients.

Diddy & JJ Watt Train On AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill

Within the last week, two high profile personalities have publicly declared their love for the AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill.

Houston Texans star defensive end J.J. Watt, who suffered a tibial plateau fracture to his left leg in a game in October, posted his amazing progress to his three million+ Instagram followers sharing his progress to his three million followers as he opted for the anti-gravity treadmill for a recent rehabbing session.

Physical Therapy After A Fall

There are many reasons that our patients come to us for physical therapy.  Many come due to a sports injuries, neurological conditions, and post surgery physical therapy.  Right up there at the top of the list is injuries sustained as a result of a fall.  When it comes to falls, age, gender, or activity level all do not matter.  Falls can really cause a lot of damage to the human body.  Luckily, physical therapy can easily help you get back!

Knee Pain And Physical Therapy

Has knee pain been wrecking your new year?  With millions of Americans suffering from knee pain every year, the #2 reported ailment behind back pain, it’s time that you did something about it!

Knee Pain Success With Physical Therapy

When our patients come to us for physical therapy in Elizabeth and Jersey City, we want their recovery to be a TEAM effort.  When it comes to getting better, no one knows their own body better than the patients themselves.  So it’s only natural that when we, as physical therapists, create the treatment plan, that we need as much input from our patients as possible in order to make their recovery the most effective for them.

5 Diet Resolutions For The New Year

We’re well into 2018 in our physical therapy clinics in Elizabeth and Jersey City, so we all know what that means: healthy diet resolution time!  We know how hard it can be to stick to any diet resolution that we make for the year, but we’re here to help with our 5 tips to help you STICK to your diet goals for this year and beyond.