Complete Physical Rehabilitation

The Top Home Exercises For Sciatica (Part 2)

In my previous post, we began the series on my favorite exercises for back pain coming from sciatica that I give all my Physical Therapy patients in the Elizabeth and Jersey City clinics.  We started out with a simple prone prop up on the elbows.  Now that we’ve got the basic prone prop up on the elbows down pat, and once that exercise can be performed with absolutely no discomfort or pain, we can now follow the progression into the next motion:

Feeling “Totally Different” With Physical Therapy

It’s easy for me as a Physical Therapist to tell my patients that they’re lives are about to be completely changed for the better because they’ve made the decision to come in for Physical Therapy.  But it’s even easier for me to prove my point when they actually begin their Physical Therapy, because it’s one thing to say it, but another thing completely to see it working on yourself day after day.

The Top Home Exercises For Sciatica (Part 1)

When undergoing a course of Physical Therapy for sciatica, an efficient recovery includes home exercises that patients must complete in order to have the best chance and reducing pain symptoms and getting better faster.  Studies have shown that skilled Physical Therapy in the clinic in conjunction with a good home exercise program produce the best and most efficient recoveries from back pain due to sciatica. 

So what we’ll do is go through my top home exercises for sciatica that I regularly recommend for all my back pain and sciatica Physical Therapy patients

Taking Time In Physical Therapy

Have I really made sure that my patient has all of their questions answered?  Do they feel secure about this visit?  These are questions that I’m always asking myself when my patients are progressing through their Physical Therapy visits. 

And this is exactly why we, as a group of Physical Therapists, have made it our company culture over the past 13 years to make sure that we take our time with our patients, and that all their needs are met during each and every visit. 

The Trick To Using The AlterG For Knee Pain

When knee pain strikes as a result of running, the most common step that is taken when starting Physical Therapy is to first stop running altogether.  As with any injury, when you find out what activity is causing the pain to occur, you have to minimize your exposure to the pain-causing activity while treating so you can get pain levels down, as per the 3 Phases of Healing that Dr. Asha also uses for her sciatica and back pain Physical Therapy patients.  But with the AlterG Treadmill,  if you know how to use it correctly, you can be much more efficient by using one trick.

Parkinson’s Inspiration For Us All On ‘American Ninja Warrior’

On Fridays, we normally try to spotlight one of our many Elizabeth or Jersey City Physical Therapy success stories.  Our hope is that in seeing the amazing things that can be accomplished with Physical Therapy, that more people would see Physical Therapy the way that we do: that maintaining an active lifestyle is the way to a healthier, better life.

But today, I was forwarded this storyand I had to share this with all our readers as the ULTIMATE success story. 

Sciatica: The Top Sign To Look For

As we’ve continued our series on sciatica, I think it would be a great idea to give you a sense of what to look for.  Not all back pain is created equal, and it would be very helpful to know what to look for when looking for symptoms that might signal sciatica, so that you can communicate this to your Physical Therapist when you go in for your Physical Therapy appointment.

Success Using Physical Therapy With A Smile

Before every Physical Therapy appointment in Elizabeth or Jersey City starts, just that simple “Hi, how are you?” with a smile has worked wonders with our patients and their outlook on how today’s appointment is going to progress.  What’s even more rewarding is that our patients are appreciative of the effort and are taking that positive attitude back out into their daily lives!

The Best Knee Pain Tool In Physical Therapy

As a Physical Therapist, there are many exercise and manual therapy tools that I have at my disposal, and as Physical Therapist that specializes in running, I have almost 2 decades of hands on Physical Therapy experience with runners and athletes of all shapes and sizes.  But for the last 3 years, I’ve been using a tool, the first ever in both Elizabeth and Jersey City for Physical Therapy patients, that has made my process so much more streamlined and efficient for knee pain

Back To Football With Physical Therapy With ZERO Pain

When back pain hits, it can be very hard to think of what to do first.  All of my Physical Therapy patients display the same feelings of shock, confusion, and depression over not being able to do the things that they were normally accustomed to doing. 

For Jaimele, that was playing football.  As a competitive weekend warrior athlete, his participation in his football league was interrupted by severe back pain due to a fall.