Complete Physical Rehabilitation

Don’t Live With Dizziness!

Vestibular disorders are more common than you might think.  Over 35% of adults over the age of 40 have experienced at least 1 Vestibular problem in their life, with the most common condition I treat, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), mostly occurring in females over the age of 60-65.


Luckily, there is treatment for this disease. 

Neck, Back Pain & Your Cell Phone

I see almost every Physical Therapy patient in Jersey City or Elizabeth pull out a cell phone in my office either before, during, or after their appointment.  And, in doing so, I constantly become witness to something that, as a Physical Therapist, makes me cringe.  And that something is: bad cell phone posture.”

Physical Therapy Neck Pain Success

“At first, I wasn’t so sure because I didn’t really know much about Physical Therapy.
Now, I can move my neck with ease!  I don’t have pain at all anymore and I can completely turn my neck from side to side now without any discomfort. “

We are happy to report that not only has Ernest returned to full function, but he is also a firm believer in the power of Physical Therapy!

ACL Surgery, The AlterG, & Physical Therapy

Jeremy is proof that not only can you return to your active lifestyle, but you can do so with the same level of confidence that you had before surgery.  After his extensive, individualized Physical Therapy program, which included specialized exercises using our AlterG Treadmill, he was able to return to his active lifestyle and be 100% confident in his recovery

Staying Cool: Running In The Heat

Running in the heat can really throw your body for a loop if you don’t stay properly hydrated.  The common medical consensus is that running in the heat is much harder because your body is now using most of its energy to keep your body and skin cool. 

Here are some hydration tips that I give all my outdoor runners

3 Essential Running Stretches

One of the most important ways to prevent running injuries is to stick to a good stretching program before and after a run. Having a few reliable stretches that you perform regularly can help you both warm up and cool down your muscles, allowing for a smoother recovery process. Here I’ll give a few tips on 3 stretches that I regularly recommend for my running clients.

Nutrition and Hydration Essentials For The Enthusiast Runner

Around this time of year, all my running clients begin to pick my brain regarding their own nutrition in preparation for race season.  What I try to stress to everyone is the following:  only a very small percentage of the running population can be considered professional runners.  The vast majority of runners fall into the category of “The Enthusiast”.