Sometimes, when physical issues happen, it’s the mental rigors of an injury that can be more challenging than the physical ones. With Gloria, it was no different. After suffering from multiple physical issues, including low back and leg pain, Gloria’s anxiety about getting through each and every single day had increased significantly.
Luckily, after a recommendation from a family member that was also a past patient, she decided to do something about her situation and get into our clinic for Physical Therapy. And now, we are proud to say that she is FULLY back to her normal life with NO issues whatsoever! We are so happy for Gloria and all that she’s accomplished with Physical Therapy!
“My daily life has improved very much so since I’ve done Physical Therapy. My balance is much better since I came here, and my pain level is significantly lower as well.
I’m more calm now that before, more peaceful now after PT.
Everyone was so nice and patient with me during my time here. I really credit them all for helping be get back to my life. I love everyone here!”
Dr. James Pumarada is a licensed Physical Therapist with over 18+ years of experience. He is a Sports Therapy Certified therapist, focusing on treating and training runners of all levels, and is a certified Vestibular therapist, specializing in the treatment of all dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance issues.
He is the co-owner of Complete Physical Rehabilitation, a Physical Therapy practice based in Elizabeth and Jersey City, NJ.