Complete Physical Rehabilitation

Sleeping And Working With No Back Pain

There are many patients that come in for physical therapy for back pain.  Many have, unfortunately, stated to me how their back pain affects their everyday lives in many different ways.  All of this is normal for my back pain patients.  But what’s unsettling for me is the number of patients that have told me that they’ve had back pain for so long that they accepted it as a part of their everyday life.  It’s as if my patients thought that back pain is just something that comes with everyday life and should be accepted as a part of getting older.

I cannot stress it enough:


Pain is a problem that does have a solution.  There is always a way out of pain and it should never be thought of as a “fact of life”.  In my physical therapy career, I have been dealing with back pain symptoms with physical therapy for almost 20 years now with a great amount of success over the years with both reducing pain and educating people on how to stop pain from coming back again.

For Jerry, I was so happy that he finally decided that “enough was enough” and took the step to making an appointment for physical therapy with me in Jersey City.  After creating a specialized program, tailored specifically around his daily activity, I am so glad to say that he’s basically almost pain free and get through both work and home life with minimal discomfort.  I am so proud of all that he accomplished after living through years of back pain.

If you are looking for back pain solutions, even if you’ve had back pain for years, call and make an appointment in our Elizabeth or Jersey City clinics.  I know we can help you get rid of the pain for good!

“I drive every day as a part of my job with the sanitation department.  That includes driving trucks and street sweepers.  Both cause a lot of jolting of my body.  This, in turn, always left me with consistent back pain.  I just accepted it as part of the job.  But I came to physical therapy because it just got to the point where I couldn’t take it anymore.

I wish I started sooner, because my daily life has TOTALLY improved.  I sleep so much better after sessions with Dr. James & staff, plus the pain in my back is pretty much 100% better.  I’d say it’s at 90% and getting better every day.

I especially liked the peaceful environment, allowing Dr. James to the right setting to help me define what exactly was going on with my spine and how to get it better.  Thank you!”

– Jerry Brown



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Dr. James Pumarada is a licensed Physical Therapist with over 18+ years of experience. He is a Sports Therapy Certified therapist, focusing on treating and training runners of all levels, and is a certified Vestibular therapist, specializing in the treatment of all dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance issues.

He is the co-owner of Complete Physical Rehabilitation, a Physical Therapy practice based in Elizabeth and Jersey City, NJ.