Complete Physical Rehabilitation

No More Neck Pain After Physical Therapy

jersey city physical therapy specialist dr. stefan paul with neck pain patient

Neck pain can be an extremely tricky issue.  Although it may not prevent many physical tasks throughout the day, neck pain can still interrupt one’s daily life significantly with non-physical tasks, such as sleeping.  And as we all know, an interruption in sleep quality can have consequences that affect the whole day, including increased fatigue, … Read more

Post Surgery Back Pain Gone After Physical Therapy

Physical Therapist with patient Jersey City & Elizabeth, NJ

Sometimes, a condition can become so severe that surgery is unavoidable.  Even after surgery, the pain might still be there, in addition to the pain that comes from the surgery alone.  That’s why physical therapy is so important after a surgery.  We always tell our patients, when the doctor gives the ok for physical therapy, … Read more

How Posture Affects Back And Neck Pain – Part 1

Posture & back neck pain Jersey City & Elizabeth, NJ

Not all back pain is caused by poor posture, and it is true that you can have poor posture for years without feeling the consequences of that slouch right away, but in time the habit is likely to catch up with you.  There are certain ways that you can tell if neck or back pain … Read more

Living Life Without Back Pain

Dr. Asha Pumarada treating back pain and sciatica in Elizabeth, NJ

In the old days, when your back was hurting, your doctor told you to rest until it felt better.  However a lot has been learned about proper treatment for back pain since those days, and gone are the days of prolonged bed rest.  New studies show that proper movements, posture and a gradual return to … Read more

Back & Neck Pain Success With Physical Therapy

jersey city physical therapy back pain patient Rose with Dr. James Pumarada and physical therapist Humberto Colmenares

One of the best feelings in the world is knowing that we have the trust of our past physical therapy patients.  All of our past patients over the last 14 years know that we are always here to help, no matter how long it’s been. When Rose walked back into the clinic, we were so … Read more

Can The Feet Be Causing Back Pain?

When your foot hits the ground, your whole body feels the effect.  Imagine in your car if your shock absorbers were worn out. You would feel every bump and jolt from the road. Your feet and legs are much the same way. The greater the impact of your step, the more impact it has on your body.

Back Pain Solved With Physical Therapy

Dr. James

Untreated back pain can slowly affect every part of a person’s life.  When back pain starts, it may not seem like much at first, but as time goes on and the condition stays untreated, a person can find their active lifestyle being severely hampered in many ways, from lessened exercise activity to something as simple as no longer being able to be active with family.

Does Age Affect Back Pain?

If you think that growing older automatically leads to back pain, here’s some great news; it doesn’t!  Many people suffer from pain, yet, they still believe their aches and pains are a natural part of aging.  They’re not. 

Managing Parkinson’s With Physical Therapy

Managing Parkinson’s can seem like a daunting task.  Due its progressive nature, it is easy to have a very pessimistic attitude when dealing with the disease.  But NOT in our physical therapy clinic.  With the LSVT program, we make sure that patients know that they can continuing LIVING with the disease as long as they are willing to put in the work.  And it definitely IS possible to continue on, even with the disease. 

How Long Before The Pain Goes Away?

So, you’ve done it.  You’ve taken the first step to getting rid of your back pain from sciatica by making an appointment for physical therapy and starting a course of treatment.  You’re now well on your way to getting back to a pain free life!  But you’re still left with a very natural question:  how long will it take before the pain goes away?