Complete Physical Rehabilitation

Neck Pain FREE With Physical Therapy

When neck pain sets in, it can disrupt every activity, every aspect of our everyday lives.  But with physical therapy, you can easily and quickly get rid of your pain and regain your regular movement so that you can get back to your life before you know it!

Stand Up To Sciatica – December Physical Therapy Newsletter

If you’ve ever suffered from back pain from sciatica, as many of our Physical Therapy patients have, then you know how uncomfortable it can be.  But you don’t have to live with that pain any longer! 

Easy Back Pain Relief Exercises

As a Physical Therapist, there are many quick exercises that Physical Therapists can teach you that you can do when back pain occurs that can help to relieve back just as quickly as it started.  And even better yet, these exercises are, you guessed it, all natural!  No harmful drugs necessary!

November Physical Therapy Patient Newsletter

Our November Physical Therapy newsletter is out now.  Even better, we’re now offering our Physical Therapy Patient Newsletters digitally! 

This month, we’re going into back pain, its’ causes, and how you can deal with it.  Don’t forget to browse through to download the FREE mobile download for your back.  In addition, browse around and check out our favorite recipe of the month. 

4 Ways Your Daily Routine Can Cause Lower Back Pain

For back pain, we’ve heard the tips about maintaining living a healthy life, and maintaining a healthy weight before.  But what if you’ve a healthy adult that’s followed all the “rules” but still have back pain that just won’t seem to go away?  What does this mean for you?

3 Smart Moves For Your Back

It’s an unfortunate fact of life that you’re most likely going to go through a bout of back pain in your life.  Statistics show that about 80 percent of us have had at least one bout.  Now there are the obvious routes that you can take to solve your pain that are historically and statistically proven to be the best solutions for back pain, such as beginning your course of Physical Therapy right away.  But sometimes, back pain sufferers struggle to find solutions when back pain creeps in during their everyday life.

The Truth About Back Pain

If you’re like most people that we’ve seen for Physical Therapy, then you’ve suffered from back pain at some point in your life.  Statistics show that, currently, 80% of the population have had at least one run in with some type of pesky back pain.  And, unfortunately, chances are good that the way that you handled the back pain wasn’t the best possible solution.  All too often, people go for high-tech tests, heavy drugs, or surgery too soon.

Back Pain And Why You Should Stretch

Pain and flexibility.  In Physical Therapy, they are so closely intertwined, as flexibility is almost always one of the main culprits as to “why” you have pain, and also one of the primary solutions as to how to get rid of your pain.  When a back pain patient starts up a course of Physical Therapy in the Jersey City or Elizabeth clinic, we always incorporate an extensive stretching regimen, and there’s a very simple reason why:

Finding Balance With Physical Therapy

Sometimes, when physical issues happen, it’s the mental rigors of an injury that can be more challenging than the physical ones.  With Gloria, it was no different.  After suffering from multiple physical issues, including low back and leg pain, Gloria’s anxiety about getting through each and every single day had increased significantly.

How Should I Take Care Of My Back?

For all of my Physical Therapy patients that I’m treating for their back problems, this question comes up 100% of the time.  “How should I take care of my back?”  For such a general question, which could possibly have a million different answers, I actually find myself coming back to the same solutions time and time again.