Complete Physical Rehabilitation

Back Pain and Planking Exercises

Planking.  It has become one of the “go-to” exercises for so many gym rats that are looking to strengthen their core in order to stave away back pain.

But how effective is a plank, really?  Dr. Asha has the answer for you now!

Back Braces And Back Pain

relieve chronic low back pain

Recently I have discussed the stretches necessary for preventing lower back pain in the workplace as well as my top secrets for reducing pain upon the start of a lower back pain attack, but I am here today to answer the questions about lumbar braces. 

Many people always ask me on their first visit “Should I buy a lumbar brace” or what can I buy, or “I saw this on an infomercial, it looks great, and I just bought it what do you think?” 


Use The Better Way To Get Back Pain Relief

proper nutrition reduces pain

This month, Consumer Reports published an article that detailed the new standards for back pain relief.  This article specifically references the new guidelines for back-pain treatment as outlined by the American College of Physicians in February.

In the new guidelines, the ACP points out that medical imaging as well as the prescription of opioids have not significantly reduced patients’ perception of pain or actual disability.  What we would like to focus on is that we believe that Physical Therapy should be your FIRST line of defense for back pain, and here’s why.

How To Get Back Pain Relief Fast

As I was driving in to the Physical Therapy clinic in Elizabeth, NJ, I was thinking about my children.  It dawned on me as to why they are so resilient when they fall, or that they can stay longer in a seated or standing position.  Well, of course, they are younger so their lower backs have not been succumbed to the pressure of age and time and as well there is more water in their discs vs someone at age 40, but in reality there is one very simple word that explains why they are able to bounce back so fast…

The Secret To Back Pain Relief That They DON’T Want You To Know

So many pills, so many options, all selling the same message of buying a miracle quick fix in a bottle.  But when you look at the FACTS about these miracle pills, the reality is quite different from what the drug companies are selling.  And the medical community is now also even changing their own back pain guidelines in light of this new reality.  And that reality is:

Opioids For Back Pain Relief Should Be The LAST Resort

Back Pain & The McKenzie Method

Hello all!  Just to first introduce myself, I’m Dr. Asha Koshy, co-owner and McKenzie back specialist for Complete Physical Rehabilitation.  I’m so excited to begin blogging for our website and can’t wait to share my thoughts on so many topics relating to Physical Therapy, fitness, and wellness!  So let’s get started, shall we?

Top 3 Easy Back Pain Exercises At Your Desk

In my last video, I went over my favorite tips that I give all of my Physical Therapy patients in Jersey City and Elizabeth regarding back pain that occurs at work, especially at a workplace workstation or desk.  Of those tips, I believe that simple exercising and stretching can be the most beneficial to relieving back pain symptoms.

So here is my newest video, where I go into detail with my top 3 exercises for back pain relief methods that you can do right at your desk. 

Back Pain, Posture, and Ergonomics In The Office

At the end of the day, it really is up to you.  Pay attention to your self and how your environment is set up around you, and you’ll be that much closer to removing back pain forever from your life!