Complete Physical Rehabilitation

Back & Neck Pain Success With Physical Therapy

jersey city physical therapy back pain patient Rose with Dr. James Pumarada and physical therapist Humberto Colmenares

One of the best feelings in the world is knowing that we have the trust of our past physical therapy patients.  All of our past patients over the last 14 years know that we are always here to help, no matter how long it’s been. When Rose walked back into the clinic, we were so … Read more

Does Age Affect Back Pain?

If you think that growing older automatically leads to back pain, here’s some great news; it doesn’t!  Many people suffer from pain, yet, they still believe their aches and pains are a natural part of aging.  They’re not. 

Common Causes Of Neck Pain

Neck pain relief physical therapy Jersey City & Elizabeth, NJ

After back pain, neck pain comes in at a close second as one of the most treated issues in our physical therapy clinics in Jersey City and Elizabeth, NJ.  Neck pain can come different forms, including a constant ache or sharp pain with movement, which can stop you from enjoying your regular daily activities.  A common problem, neck pain affects approximately 2/3rds of the population at one point or another. 

How Long Before The Pain Goes Away?

So, you’ve done it.  You’ve taken the first step to getting rid of your back pain from sciatica by making an appointment for physical therapy and starting a course of treatment.  You’re now well on your way to getting back to a pain free life!  But you’re still left with a very natural question:  how long will it take before the pain goes away?

What Is The Cause Of Sciatica?

When sciatica first hits, our physical therapy patients always start their 1st visit with the same question:
What Caused My Sciatica?
It can be very difficult to figure out how back pain started.  In general, there are many medical issues that can lead to back pain and significant sciatica issues.  That being said, there are 3 common causes of back pain.

6 Back Conditions Not To Ignore

A basic fact of life is that we all live extremely busy lives.  From work, to family, and everything in between, there is always something that needs to be done.  With that time crunch, our experience with our patients is that our health usually takes a back seat, because we always think, “I’ll deal with that tomorrow.”  But there are just some things that shouldn’t wait until tomorrow, especially when dealing with back pain.

How Often Should I Do My Exercises?

When a patient comes in for sciatica physical therapy in the Elizabeth or Jersey City clinics, we always give each patient a personalized home exercise program.  Numerous studies show that physical therapy in conjunction with a consistent home exercise program has the best results with getting rid of sciatica pain.  But many patients often have the same, burning questions:

How often should I do my exercises?  And do I need to do them forever?

Flu Tips For The Physical Therapy Clinic

Yes, I know what you’re thinking.  “What does physical therapy have to do with the flu?”  Honestly, physical therapy doesn’t have anything to do with the flu directly.  However we’ve had a lot of people either come down with the flu or come into our clinics with flu-like symptoms.  And as a public facility that serves a large number of physical therapy patients in Elizabeth and Jersey City, in order to help everyone, we’re offering our best flu-prevention tips!

Physical Therapy After A Fall

There are many reasons that our patients come to us for physical therapy.  Many come due to a sports injuries, neurological conditions, and post surgery physical therapy.  Right up there at the top of the list is injuries sustained as a result of a fall.  When it comes to falls, age, gender, or activity level all do not matter.  Falls can really cause a lot of damage to the human body.  Luckily, physical therapy can easily help you get back!

5 Diet Resolutions For The New Year

We’re well into 2018 in our physical therapy clinics in Elizabeth and Jersey City, so we all know what that means: healthy diet resolution time!  We know how hard it can be to stick to any diet resolution that we make for the year, but we’re here to help with our 5 tips to help you STICK to your diet goals for this year and beyond.