Complete Physical Rehabilitation

Eliminating Back Pain With Physical Therapy

With Jennifer, although she did experience an unfortunate bout of back pain which then moved into her shoulder and neck due to overcompensation, I am happy to report that with Physical Therapy, we were able to help her rid her life of back pain symptoms completely! 

Why Do I Have Back Pain?

Is back pain causing you to move a little slower and more cautiously? 

If left untreated, chronic back pain can lead to long-term spinal joint and possibly nerve damage. Back pain is one of the most common physical complaints that people suffer from and more than 80% of the US population will experience back pain at some point in their lifetime. Back pain can interfere with your ability to bend, kneel, lift, reach, do work and enjoy time with your family. Not to mention, it can make you down right irritable and affect others around you.

Physical Therapy And Hamstring Pain

When I first met Gloria, she was in a great deal of pain.  A fall had left her unable to walk confidently and was impacting how much she slept at night.  On a referral from a friend of hers, who was also a patient of mine at the time, she made the right choice and called to schedule an appointment with me for Physical Therapy. 

Your Chair Is Killing You!

You’re injuring yourself at work — daily. But I have an office job, you think; my workplace is altogether too safe. Actually, that’s the problem. Sitting at a desk all day, and the repetitive motions that accompany that sitting, cause microtrauma in our bodies. New studies are beginning to reveal that extended periods of sitting and sedentary behavior have a significant
negative effect on our well-being — and an even greater impact on our overall health than our diets.

Use The Better Way To Get Back Pain Relief

proper nutrition reduces pain

This month, Consumer Reports published an article that detailed the new standards for back pain relief.  This article specifically references the new guidelines for back-pain treatment as outlined by the American College of Physicians in February.

In the new guidelines, the ACP points out that medical imaging as well as the prescription of opioids have not significantly reduced patients’ perception of pain or actual disability.  What we would like to focus on is that we believe that Physical Therapy should be your FIRST line of defense for back pain, and here’s why.

Top 3 Easy Back Pain Exercises At Your Desk

In my last video, I went over my favorite tips that I give all of my Physical Therapy patients in Jersey City and Elizabeth regarding back pain that occurs at work, especially at a workplace workstation or desk.  Of those tips, I believe that simple exercising and stretching can be the most beneficial to relieving back pain symptoms.

So here is my newest video, where I go into detail with my top 3 exercises for back pain relief methods that you can do right at your desk. 

Back Pain, Posture, and Ergonomics In The Office

At the end of the day, it really is up to you.  Pay attention to your self and how your environment is set up around you, and you’ll be that much closer to removing back pain forever from your life!