Complete Physical Rehabilitation

Physical Therapy Success For A Future Servicewoman!

ashley A Dr. James Pumarada physical therapy jersey city elizabeth nj complete physical rehabilitation 1-2

With all that is going on in the world right now, we know that getting physical therapy success in this “new normal” can be a challenge.  But we know that, with safety as a focus, we can get rid of pain in an environment that is safe and with the same level of kindness and … Read more

The AlterG & Running Training – Week 4

I’m happy to report that, with the full lower extremity support that the treadmill provides, I was able to run 5.06 miles AND recover faster the next day.  Whereas I ran 4.5 miles the week before with a high level of soreness and tightness the next morning, I was able to run 5.06 miles with soreness but minimal tightness and absolutely no morning-after pain whatsoever.  And let’s be clear, I’ve NEVER run over 5 miles at once in my entire life! 

Getting the Runner’s High in Week 3!

After my minor setbacks due to allergies in Week 2, I was anxious to see what week 3 of training for the United Airlines New York Half Marathon would bring.  Part of my week was interrupted by the fact that I was travelling back to New Jersey from California in the middle of the week, so the long travel and subsequent adjustment back to east coast time effectively threw a wrench into my training for a day or two.  But by the end of the week, I still managed to see major gains in both total length of run, diet, and energy levels overall!

My First Week Of Running Training

New year, new start, new possibilities.  That’s how I look at running my first half marathon this March, the 2017 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon.  This is the biggest challenge that I’ve undertaken in quite a while, one that I am more than excited to tackle.  I’ve spent 17 years training runners for these races, and it feels good to take on the task of running one myself. 

We’re Running All Month Long To Celebrate National Running Day

So to celebrate, we’re taking National Running Day and turning it into a month long celebration in the clinic!  Every workday, we’ll be posting video on our Instagram of a staff member that’s “getting their run on” in the office.  Even though we’re stuck in our office, that’s no reason to not be able to get in a run!

CPR Makes News With AlterG Treadmill!

The unveiling of the AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill in Jersey City has made the local news! via The Jersey Journal has posted an article detailing this exciting new technology and its availability for Physical Therapy and Training in Jersey City and the greater Hudson County area.