Because we aren’t necessarily performing our normal daily routines at this time, it’s natural that the body responds with nagging pain and increased stiffness where there previously wasn’t any. In the clinic, we’ve noticed a big increase in shoulder pain patients coming in with significantly increased pain and less mobility and range of motion. Luckily, you can still get moving and find relief for stiff muscles from the comfort of your own home with my top exercises for shoulder pain!
They may look easy, but trust us, as you go through the recommended number of repetitions, it’ll get challenging very quickly, especially when performed slowly, exactly like the video! Don’t rush through them!
If you have any questions about any of them, or if you notice pain start to increase while performing them, this can be the sign of a bigger problem. Contact Complete Physical Rehab in Elizabeth or Jersey City and schedule a physical therapy appointment immediately. Our physical therapists specialize in fast pain relief so that you can get back to a normal routine!
Standing Pnf D1 Flexion
Begin by standing up straight with your arms at your sides. Turn your right arm so your palm is facing out in front of you, but is still at your side. Palm to the sky, lift your arm up and diagonally across your body, so your arm is crossing your chest and is in front of your face. Then rotate your arm so your palm is now facing the ground. Bring your arm back down to its original position by your side, keeping your palm in the same position – it should now be facing behind you. Continue these steps, doing 3 reps of 10, then switch arms. This is a great way to rotate your shoulder to loosen up tension and avoid injury.
Standing Pnf D2 Flexion
For this one, you will also begin by standing up straight with your arms at your sides. Rotate your right arm so it is diagonal across your body, palm resting over your left thigh. Then, rotate your arm the other way so you are bringing it back across your body toward the sky, palm facing up. Then bring it back down to your thigh. Continue these steps, doing 3 reps of 10, then switch arms. This allows for a deep stretch in the shoulders, allowing your rotator cuff to loosen and improve its range of motion.
Staying at home doesn’t mean you can’t stay active! For a bigger challenge try both sets of exercises twice a day; once in the morning, and once in the evening.
If you have any additional questions on these exercises for shoulder pain, or if you’re looking for more advice on staying active or relieving pain, contact Complete Physical Rehab in Elizabeth or Jersey City and speak to a physical therapist today.
Additional information on shoulder pain:

Dr. James Pumarada is a licensed Physical Therapist and co-owner of Complete Physical Rehabilitation. With over 19+ years of treatment experience, he is a Sports Therapy Certified physical therapist, focusing on treating and training runners of all levels, and is one of the most sought after vestibular therapy specialists in Elizabeth and Jersey City where, along with his wife, Dr. Asha, they specialize in the treatment of all dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance issues.