Complete Physical Rehabilitation

Top 2 Neck Pain Home Physical Therapy Exercises

In these unprecedented times, which have included big increases in being sedentary during the day at home and significant increases in doing work on home computers, laptops, and cell phones, all just to try and stay productive with work, many of our physical therapy patients have come in looking for home exercises to help with neck pain and stiffness, and discomfort.

However, at Complete Physical Rehab, we have a solution for you!

Below are a couple exercises we’ve compiled that can help you beat those aches and pains and get back to pain free daily living.   These simple exercises can be done at any time while at home.  All you need is a chair!  Make sure to consult with your physical therapist if you have any questions about these exercises, or if they cause your pain to increase.

Try them out today!

Thoracic Matrix, Transverse Plane

Begin by sitting up straight in a chair with your arms stretched out in front of you. Rotate your torso so your right arm moves from its original position to directly behind you. Your arms should look as if they are in a straight line, with your left arm staying in front of you and your right arm behind. Your head should also be facing toward the wall behind you, where your right arm is pointing. Then, bring your right arm back around to its original position and continue these steps with your left arm. Do all of this in fluid motions, completing 3 reps of 10 on either side.

Thoracic Matrix, Sagittal Plane

For this one, you will also begin by sitting up straight in a chair, but this time your hands will be placed at your sides. Keeping your back straight, lean your torso and head down so the top half of your body is laying flat against your lap and your arms are down by your feet. Then, lean back up and straighten out your body so your arms are to the sky. Continue these steps, doing 3 reps of 10 to stretch out your neck and back.

As always, these exercises are used to relieve general neck pain and should not cause any additional discomfort or pain.  If you notice neck pain (or any other type of pain for that matter) when performing these exercises or any neck pain over the last few months, Complete Physical Rehab wants you to know that we are still here for you.

If you have any questions about these exercises or if you’d like more advice on staying active or beating discomfort at home, don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule a physical therapy appointment in Elizabeth or Jersey City today.  We would be happy to help!

Wishing you health and comfort during this time.

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Dr. James Pumarada is a licensed Physical Therapist and co-owner of Complete Physical Rehabilitation.   With over 19+ years of treatment experience, he is a Sports Therapy Certified physical therapist, focusing on treating and training runners of all levels, and is one of the most sought after vestibular therapy specialists in Elizabeth and Jersey City where, along with his wife, Dr. Asha, they specialize in the treatment of all dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance issues.